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» Communications
Video Pal
Video Pal is the ultimate video email messenger!
Its simple, easy-to-use interface allows you to record and send your
messages in a snap. Plus, you can customize your video messages to suit
your recipients Internet connection speed.
A powerful email program that does not compromise your privacy or security. The streamlined interface never gets in your way, with many unique features that allow you to take full control of your mailbox, like full-page preview and Bayesian filters.
TRx Personal Phone Call Recorder
TRx is a personal phone line recorder program for Windows. TRx lets you manually record telephone calls on a phone line connected to the voice modem (or other telephony card) of your computer.
A program for amateur radio digital communications via a sound card. Supported modes are RTTY (Baudot code), ASCII (7 or 8 bits), PSK31(BPSK and QPSK), BPSK63,AMTOR (SITOR, NAVTEX), MultiFSK-16, HF- and UHF-PACKET (AX25), DTMF.
Voice E-Mail Pilot
Voice E-Mail Pilot - program for people who don't like to type their letters. Just say what you want and send it out!
Easy-to-use automatic telephone notification software with built-in calendar. Ideal for time sensitive customer based business, organizations and professional offices. The reminder messages can be appointments, meetings, bill due, and etc.
Vypress Chat
Vypress Chat is a user-friendly application for real-time chatting in small or home office (SOHO) local networks. Vypress Chat works with both TCP/IP and IPX/SPX network protocols. You get an interface comparable to mIRC's and ICQ-like functionality.
TextTak is a network popup message application designed for those occasions when you need to alert a colleague quickly and almost instantly. It is ideal for when you try to call someone on an internal phone and they are away from their desk.
Vspire psGmail for Gmail
psGmail allows you to check your Gmail account e-mail from a normal POP mail client (such as outlook,Thunderbird etc). it also allows you to send e-mails through Gmail's service.and it can send you a msn-style new mail alerts Instantly.
A4Pocket Newsreader
The most powerful newsreader for Pocket PC. Easy use, high-speed and free trial for ever.
Key features:
1.Download, read, reply, forward, compose, save article
2.Multi sort and filter choice
3.Full customize
4.Clear GUI
5.Singlehanded read
Если хочешь быть счастливым, будь им. К. Прутков
Старый большевик делится воспоминаниями о Ленине - дело было на втором съезде партии. Захожу я в туалет, а наш великий вождь стоит эдак скромно в сторонке и справляет малую нужду. А глаза у него такие добрые-добрые! Таким он мне и запомнился.
Яйца от курицы недалеко падают