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File Folder Organizer 3 - EX
Are you surrounded with an ocean of papers piled on your desk because you dread the hours it takes to do the filing? If you want an organized and orderly filing system, then you need File Folder Organizer.
File Folder Organizer 3
Are you surrounded with an ocean of papers piled on your desk because you dread the hours it takes to do the filing? If you want an organized and orderly filing system, then you need the File Folder Organizer.
Monitapp - Computer Inventory
MonitApp is an asset management tool which use WMI to retrieve information about hardware and software configuration from remote computers and store it onto an Excel file. It also detects changes and registers into same Excel File as history sheet
IDAutomation Java Barcode Package
This barcode package contains JavaBeans, Applets, Class Libraries and Servlets for Barcoding in Java. Supports Linear and 2D barcode types including Code 128, Code 39, ITF, UPC, EAN, DataMatrix, Maxicode and PDF417.
Quickly create HTML reports of multiple folders, listing file properties,IPTC fields of JPEG images and metadata associated with MS Office, StarOfice, OpenOffice.org, Visio, XMP Adobe document, Windows 2K or PDFfiles. Export into HTML, XML, CSV, Word
For The Record
For The Record is a Windows based program that helps organize your record albums quickly and effectively. The program allows you to enter the artist names and record albums for each artist into the database.
Lost stolen computer tracing software
IDAutomation ASP Barcode Server Component for IIS
Easily add dynamic server-side barcodes to web applications hosted on Microsoft IIS through ASP (Active Server Pages). Supports Linear and 2D barcode types including Code 128, UPC, EAN, ITF, Code 39, PDF417, Maxicode and DataMatrix.
Abracadabra Instant Manual
A versatile, cost effective solution for the production of manuals and "how to" instructions for any computer based task by technical support engineers, system administrators, IT help desk staff, software trainers or anyone who manages software.
В необходимом - единение, в сомнительном - свобода, во всем - любовь. Августин
В хвост длинной очереди пристраивается старушка. -- Что дают-то, сынок? -- спрашивает она стоящего впереди хмурого мужчину. -- Ремарка. -- А-а-а!.. А это что, как кримплен или еще лучше? -- Да я сам первый раз слышу, но на всякий случай буты- лочку возьму.
Скоро в госдуме "Яблоку" будет негде упасть, а Жириновскому сесть