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RoofCOST Estimator for Excel
Roofing Installation Cost Estimator for Excel. Designed for roofing contractors, builders, remodelers, and do-it-yourself individuals. Contains cost data and intelligent takeoff area calculator. Automatically creates price quotation.
RepairCost Estimator for Excel
Insurance Repair and Restoration Cost Estimator. Designed for repair and restoration contractors and insurance claim adjusters. Built-in user-modifiable unit cost data and all cost categories covering repair construction. Built-in reporting.
RemodelCost Estimator for Excel
RemodelCost Estimator for Excel. Remodel Construction Cost Estimator. Designed for home remodelers, builders, estimators. Built-in user-modifiable unit cost data for local city indexes and all cost categories covering remodel construction.
Executive Decision
The next generation of Business Management Software for the Standard Cost Manufacturing, Job SHop Production, Construction, Labor Services & Sales, Hospitality and Distribution industries. This is a 25-user version at no extra cost.
GeneralCost Estimator for Excel
General Construction Cost Estimator. Save time and money in cost estimating. Designed for contractors, remodelers, estimators. Built-in user-modifiable labor and material unit cost data in industry-standard CSI format covering general construction.
PaintCOST Estimator for Excel
Painting and Wallcovering Estimator for Excel. Designed for painting contractors, decorators, builders, remodelers, and do-it-yourself individuals. Contains cost data and intelligent takeoff area calculator. Automatically creates price quotation.
HomeCost Estimator for Excel
HomeCost Estimator for Excel. Home Construction Cost Estimating System. Designed for builders, contractors, architects, adjusters. Built-in modifiable data for local city indexes, class, type and style factors, upgrade and additional feature prices.
FloorCOST Estimator for Excel
Flooring Installation Cost Estimator for Excel. Designed for flooring contractors, decorators, builders, remodelers, and do-it-yourself individuals. Contains cost data and intelligent takeoff area calculator. Automatically creates price quotation.
JobCost Controller for Excel
Construction Jobcost Tracking and Reporting System for Excel. Designed for contractors, builders, remodelers, construction professionals. Tracks construction costs tied to user-defined cost categories, computes accurate forecasts, reports variances.
ComfortAir HVAC Software
ComfortAir HVAC software is designed to be used by engineers, architects, contractors and energy auditors for calculating and analysing heating and air conditioning hourly loads in commercial buildings. Units can be set to English or Metric.
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