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» Conversion Tools
Award-winning unit conversion program. Hundreds of units are included, along with detailed descriptions giving the history and definitions of units. Features include conversion tables, adjustable number of decimal places, and conversion formulas.
Convert Mac filenames to Windows, repair invalid characters, add file extensions automatically to allow PCs to read and work on documents served by Macvolumes. Application or service mode for translation of forbidden names to valid Win conventions
Easy Date Converter
Does date arithmetic (adds a number of days to a date and calculates the number of days between two dates) and converts among Gregorian dates, Julian dates, Annus Novus dates, Julian day numbers and day-in-year dates of the form yyyyddd.
Chinese Calendrics
A program to convert between dates in various Chinese calendars and dates in the Gregorian and Julian calendars, and to find lunar new year's day and leap months for any year.
Я хотел бы лучше считать горох, чем изучать историю. И. Фихте
Госпожу Тарадакис спросили: -- Почему вы своего пинчера назвали Негодяем? -- Для потехи. Когда я зову его на улице, половина мужчин оглядываются.
У цыпленка две ноги. Особенно левая.