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T-Minus Countdown Clock
This software sits on your PC so you can see the time until your special event. Attach a countdown your e-mails. Sound effects during count down or at finish. You can even count-up from a date. You can even add a countdown to your e-mails.
Time Money and Activities
Time, Money & Activities gives you some interesting statistics on buying and time spending habits over your lifetime. How much money can you save by kicking the smoking habit or how much time you spend watching TV?
TimeLeft is a countdown, reminder, clock, stopwatch, timer, sticker and time synchronization utility. TimeLeft uses Winamp skins, it's attractive, easy to use and highly configurable. Watching seconds ticking away makes some glad event so much closer
This program is a simple countdown timer, settable from 1 second up to 99 hours. Settings are saved for easy configuring. Full screen, tray, minimised, MP3, and Command Line options are also included. Egg is written in efficient Assembly Language.
Countdown! takes up to 100 dates in the past or future and calculates the number of years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. Also the total number of hours, minutes, seconds and weekends are displayed.
Countdown Clock
This useful utility allows you to count down time with an alarm. It's great when needing a countdown timer to be reminded of a specific event such as checking the roast cooking in the oven, checking the water level when filling your hot tub.
Если и есть две истины, то вот они: 1) любите только себя и живите настоящим; 2) любите все и думайте о вечности. М. Фичино
Больной габровец побывал вместе с приятелем у врача. После осмотра приятель поинтересовался: -- Почему ты жаловался на сердце и боли в животе? Ведь у тебя болит голова. Сам же рассказывал! -- На сердце жалуется каждый день моя жена, а дочь -- на желудок. -- Ну и что же? -- Какой же ты глупый! Я не настолько глуп, чтобы платить деньги еще за осмотр жены и дочери.
Тело есть - ума не надо