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» Customer Service
TechAid ASP
TechAid ASP is an Active Server Page program that easily tracks all of the time spent on projects, work orders, trouble calls, or any other task. It can be accessed from any Javascript enabled web browser.
Vuechat allows customers to contact you through their web browser (Internet
Explorer or Netscape Navigator), to load up a 1-1 chat applet - with
streaming webcam image. As a representative, you can converse with up
to 6 conversations simultaneo
LBE Free Helpdesk
Free multi-user helpdesk system - no timeouts, no tricks!!! This is an earlier version of our helpdesk system and is completely free to use. Features: Audit Trail, E-mail notifications, Customer Details,Prioritize, Flexible Reports.
LBE Web Helpdesk
Fully functioning helpdesk software designed to be operated via your web browser. Use it on the Internet, an Intranet or even run it locally on a stand-alone machine.Features:Operator and end-user access. Automatic escalation. Email notification. etc
iTrack Enterprise
iTrack Enterprise is a database for tracking, reporting, and analyzing internal user or external customer support incidents. With iTrack you can record support and maintenance incidents, and notify staff and customers by email.
LBE Desktop Helpdesk
Easy to use helpdesk system - sensibly priced. No extensive training required. Easily configured to reflect the way that you work. Uses e-mail to keep everyone informed. Maintains a complete audit trail of all actions. Extensive reports supplied.
Live Help and Monitoring
Live help with this chat customer service for your website. Increase sale and reduce marketing cost. This software let you interact in real-time with the visitors of your website. Include: monitoring, Operator initiate Chat,Push URL,Geo localization
Кто никогда не совершал безрассудств, тот не так мудр, как ему кажется. Ф. Ларошфуко
Мужчина зашел в магазин и громко кричит продавщице: -- Спичек! -- Не кричите так, я не глухая! Раскричался тут! Вам каких, с фильтром или без?
Когда нет опpеделенной цели стpеляют без пpомаха.