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» Developement Tools
Q1 is a tool for developing GUI and HTML automated tests. It was specifically designed to provide greater control than other similar tools while maintaining low-cost to make it affordable to small companies and individual developers.
Sirid for Windows
Sirid is designed for managing software projects. It lets you easily assign tasks between the personnel, report bugs, manage specifications and record feature requests, altogether helping you to meet the deadlines and come up with better products.
Mailserver which operates like a newsserver, groups and monitors e-mails. Mailtonews prepares the e-mail information so that all employees can access new information, quickly and simply.
HyperCoder Blitz Edition
HyperCoder- BlitzBasic Edition; an advanced programmers editor designed to streamline your work flow, from project management, tasks lists, quick jump function and labels lists to multiple file format support.
HyperCoder Standard Edition
HyperCoder; an advanced programmers editor designed to streamline your work flow, from project management, tasks lists, quick jump function and labels lists to multiple file format support. HyperCoder is a feature rich syntax highlighting editor
Freeware for fast training, validation, and application of neural and conventional classifiers including MLP, functional link net, piecewise linear net, nearest neighbor classifier, self organizing map. Extensive help. C source for trained nets
...умение беседы требует мало слов. Куда больше это искусство пауз. З. Юрьев
Больной габровец побывал вместе с приятелем у врача. После осмотра приятель поинтересовался: -- Почему ты жаловался на сердце и боли в животе? Ведь у тебя болит голова. Сам же рассказывал! -- На сердце жалуется каждый день моя жена, а дочь -- на желудок. -- Ну и что же? -- Какой же ты глупый! Я не настолько глуп, чтобы платить деньги еще за осмотр жены и дочери.
Погода была достаточно хороша для того, чтобы повеситься