
В начало
» Utilities
» Disk Imaging
Undisker is a disk image utility that can open, create, and extract ISO files. Undisker lets you open ISO files, browse them, and extract their contents to your hard disk without burning the ISO file on a CD.
InstantRecovery Personal Edition
Easily and quickly perform an image backup of a hard drive or partition directly to CD-R, CD-RW, hard disk, removable, or tape drive! Make an exact copy of your hard drive and save it as a file, too! Now works with USB and FireWire hard drives.
InstantRecovery Professional Edition
Easily and quickly perform an image backup of a hard drive or partition directly to CD-R/RW, hard disk, tape, USB hard drive, FireWire drives and more! Supports all Intel-compatible operating systems such as Windows, Linux, Unix, DOS, OS2 and more!
Суть человека постигает тот, кто сущность пса сперва в себе убьет. Саади
Я возвратила вам лейку, которую одолжила на прошлой неделе? Увы, нет... Что же делать? А я снова хотела одолжить ее у вас.
Если враг не сдается, его перезагружают!