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» Educational Programs
WinFlash Basic
Award-winning Flashcard Study and Testing System - Memorize study material fast! Create reusable decks, study and track your progress with this leading-edge learning tool! Powerful multimedia capabilities. Easy to learn and use.
WinFlash Educator
Award-winning Flashcard Study and Testing System - Memorize study material fast! Create reusable decks, print flashcards, study and track your progress with this leading-edge learning tool! Powerful multimedia capabilities. Easy to learn and use.
WinFlash Scholar
Award-winning Flashcard Study and Testing System - Memorize study material fast! Create reusable decks, print flashcards, study and track your progress with this leading-edge learning tool! Powerful multimedia capabilities. Easy to learn and use.
Кричащий в гневе смешон, а страшен молчащий в гневе. Абай
Два англичанина спорят: -- Милорд, вы -- сволочь! -- От милорда слышу!
Менструальный цикл с 13 лет, установился сразу, но не установился до настоящего времени.