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» Email Tools & Utilities
Webemail miner
Extracts email addresses from local files,websites,search engines and newsgroups. Just type one or two keywords and webemail miner will query major Engine like Yahoo,Google,AllTheWeb,Aol,Msn etc and collect email addresses matching your query.
webcustomer miner
Webcustomer is a fast software to extract contact data ( include:Email,fax numbers,phone numbers ,Url ) from specific web sites and multi Search Engines.
Newsemail Scanner
NewsEmail scanner is a software designed to search email addresses from newsgroups. It used muti-thread to connect News server that provides a high speed of search email addresses.
Netemail pack
Netemail pack can extract email addresses from local files(any type), web sites ,search engines .Embeded in SMTP server that quickly send mass email directly to recipients.No use your ISP'S SMTP server.
Netemail catcher
Extracts email addresses from local files,websites,search engines. Just type one or two keywords and Netemail catcher will query major Engine like Yahoo,Google,AllTheWeb,Aol,Msn etc and collect email addresses matching your query.
Netemail caster
NetEmail caster is a marketing tool software that can validate emails list and send customized message directly to recipients and get instant feedback.It has embeded in SMTP relay ,so you do not need using the SMTP relay server of your ISP.
Netcustomer scanner
Netcustomer Scanner is a fast software to extract contact data ( include:Email,fax numbers,phone numbers ,Url ) from specific web sites and multi Search Engines.
emailserver scanner
emailserver scanner is a software designed to directly search email addresses from mail SMTP servers.It can verify all user names that you specified on the mail server and send message to valid email addresses.
Emailserver detector
Emailserver detector is a software designed to directly search email addresses from mail SMTP servers.It can verify all user names that you specified on the mail server and send message to valid email addresses.
Email catcher&sender
Email catcher&sender can extract email addresses from local files(any type), web sites ,search engines and newsgroups.Embeded in SMTP server that quickly send mass email directly to recipients.No use your ISP'S SMTP server.
Щёлкни кобылу в нос - она махнет хвостом. К. Прутков
Скупец заболел, и когда в болезни наступил кризис, он перестал потеть. Его слуги поспешили к врачу. "Как быть, что де- лать?" Врач ответил: "Идите и начните есть тот хлеб, что он обычно ест сам. Когда он увидит это, у него опять проступит пот".
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