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ACD mPower Tools
ACD mPower Tools is a set of handy extensions to Windows and other programs that let you work faster, while staying in the environment you normally use. You don't need to open separate programs to get the benefits of this digital photography software
Tiny but smart calculator: just type in any expression, like "2+3/7.1-3sqr 5", and hit Enter; then modify it and evaluate again without re-entering everything. 18-digit precision, 30 functions, 12 memories, fractions, deg/min/sec, more!
ComfortAir HVAC Software
ComfortAir HVAC software is designed to be used by engineers, architects, contractors and energy auditors for calculating and analysing heating and air conditioning hourly loads in commercial buildings. Units can be set to English or Metric.
Advanced Sci/Eng calculator. Expression evaluation, 18 digits precision, variables, >100 functions, graphs, unit conversion, interpolation, polynomial regression, linear algebra, systems of linear, nonlinear and differential equations, optimization.
AB Sequest
A program for sharing and controlling information on service requests, complaints etc. Useful for real estate managers, helpdesks, all types of distribution and other situations where information on ongoing events must be available on a network
Ease Jukebox
A powerful, multifunction multimedia software, which supports WAV, MP3, OGG and WMA file. Ease Jukebox has 9 main functions: file manager, playlist, CD ripper, audio/data CD writer, recorder, audio converter, audio normalizer, file cut, file combine.
8085 simulator
8085 Simulator has a very user friendly interface and the best part is, its FREE to download. You can master 8085 programming in matter of days now. full graphical illustration of the Microprocessor simulator.
Orifice calculates size, flowrate or pressure drops for gas and liquid orifice meters based on ANSI/API-2530-1991, Part 3 (AGA-3) or the International Standard ISO-5167-1:1991.
Customary or SI units.
Linear Algebra
Performs computations associated with matrices: Solves systems of linear equations, finds sum, difference, product, determinant, trace, inverse, adjoint, transpose, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, LU factors, QR factors, tests for definiteness, etc.
DataFit is a tool for performing curve fitting, statistical analysis & data plotting. Fit equations with up to 100 parameters to data with up to 20 independent variables. Define your own equations or choose from over 600 pre-defined equations.
Учение без размышления бесполезно, но и размышление без учения опасно. Конфуций
- является ли коммунизм наукой - нет. Если бы он был наукой, его бы сначала попробовали на собаках.
Врачи ей сделали вливание, надрезали вены, т.к. они были спрятаны, но клапан уже захлопнулся и закрыл сердце и она умерла.