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» Engineering
ProKalc is a full featured scientific calculator featuring a scrolling tape and 15-digit accuracy. Integrated help is available through a unique hot-key interface.
Sheet Lightning Demo
Sheet Lightning is a specialised engineering 2D/3D CAD System for creating and unfolding sheet metal designs for fabrication or manufacture. It handles cylinders, cones, square-to-round adapters, ovals, intersections and mutli-intersections.
Sheet Lightning
Sheet Lightning is a specialised engineering 2D/3D CAD System for creating and unfolding sheet metal designs for fabrication or manufacture. It handles cylinders, cones, square-to-round adapters, ovals, intersections and mutli-intersections.
Time & Chaos
Use this contact manager to organize your telephone book, appointment schedule, and to do list for better time management, all on one screen! Version 6 adds grouping, activity series, private records, external alarm utility. 21 day trial available.
ProKon is a calculator unlike any you've seen before. It features unit conversions of over 400,000 units, a pop-up scientific/financial/geometry calculator with tape, as well as many calculation modules covering a wide variety of topics.
RPN Engineering Calculator
This RPN Calculator offers a choice of more than 240 solutions with 6 unique keyboards: Standard, Engineering, Binary, Magnetics, Trig, and Convert. It has a complete help system with individual tips for all but the most ordinary functions.
Rimu Schematic
Rimu Schematic is professional quality electronic schematic capture software, designed for ease of use. Exports: Spice deck, Abel HDL, CUPL HDL, PCB netlist - four formats, and Bill of Materials. Features: DRC, hierarchical design.
Graphing scientific calculator with ample support for user defined functions and libraries. Numeric features include derivation, integration, Monte Carlo simulations, Runge Kutta, matrix inversion, nonlinear equation systems, function minimizer.
Math Asst., Calculator, and Hypertext Notepad for Scientists and Engineers using Pocket PC 2003. Assists with calculating networks of formulae, dynamic simulations, equation solutions, multiple equations and unknowns, builtin script language.
Mine Conveyor
You can design belt conveyors quickly. Enter conveyor data in U.S. or metric units and get output in either. You obtain capacity details and all tension, power and quantity information suitable for file entry into any estimating system.
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