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» Flash Tools
SWFKit is a tool to create 32-bit Windows applications from flash.It can not only customize projectors and Screen savers,but also create Installer for them.SWFKit is fully compatible with Flash 3, 4, 5, MX and MX 2004.
Flashpoint is a drag and drop text/graphic/audio tool for creating eye-catching presentations. FlashPoint outputs to the Flash format making it the cross-platform presentationware of choice. Fast and reliable, immediate rendering.
Flash animation is easy with KoolMoves. It is ideal for animated web pages, banners, navigation systems, and intro pages. It lets you combine and manipulate text, images, shapes, and sounds to create Flash movies. 5 stars from PC Magazine.
Cool Flash Player
Cool Flash Player is a flash player.Enjoy or collect flash and manage flash movie files more conveniently. Collect flash from internet,convert flash file to flash screensaver,capture picture as flash wallpaper,search flash from IE cache etc.
CoffeeCup Button Factory
The most complete, easiest-to-use button maker on the Web. Use your own .gif or .jpg images to create Butttons, Menus and Navigation in Java or Flash.
Easytemplates website Kit
Creating your own entire website is peanuts using Flash templates from EasyTemplates. EasyTemplates offers you the most flexible and easiest way imaginable to create Flash websites. You don't need to know Flash or HTML to create your website.
Cool Flash Player&Manager
Cool Flash Player&Manager is a flash player and manager.Enjoy or collect flash and manage flash movie files more conveniently.Give note and comment to every flash.Arrange flash under categories.
Cool Flash Manager
It is a flash manager.Give note and comment to every flash.Manage flash under categories. Collect flash from internet,convert flash file to exe file,convert flash file to flash screensaver,search flash from IE cache and from all drivers.
Create slide-shows (swf files - Macromedia ShockWave Flash format) from JPEG-images for publishing to HTML or Macromedia Projector. Include music to slide-show and use pre-made transition effects from the library or create your own.
Flash2X EXE Packager
Package more than one flash movies into a single executable file and control whether the watchers are allowed to release flash movies to SWF files or not.
Чем наполнена посуда, то и выльется оттуда. Ш. Руставели
Поздний вечер в селе. -- Тетка Мокрина,-- кричит парень через забор,-- заберите своего дядьку! -- А что с ним? -- Да пьяный лежит. - Где? -- Возле Петра. -- А Петро где? -- Да возле дядьки, где же еще!
Продам квартиру, подготовленную к евроремонту