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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы



В начало » Graphics » GIS


VeCAD is a 3D vector graphics library. It serves as a foundation for your own customized drawing applications (CAD/GIS). The library is furnished in two discreet formats; as a run-time Windows 32 bit DLL; and, as an OCX. Both are included.


TiVec converts TIGER Line data files distributed from the Census Bureau to pairs of MID/MIF or SHP/DBF files for use with mapping and other GIS applications and allows user to review with built-in renderer/viewer...


SmpMapX is a ActiveX mapping control that enables the user to utilize TXF/TDB, MID/MIF, SHP/DBF, and raster data for building powerful mapping systems with multiple layers, layer control, individual visibility thresholds, attribute control, and more


Georeference digital images with latitude, longitude, and altitude information. Stamp this info on the actual images or write to the EXIF headers. Works with any modern digital camera. No GPS required. F1 help. Low cost and easy to use.


PTracer is a ActiveX Library for raster to vector conversion in automatic mode

Points Import for SolidWorks

Points Import for SolidWorks is a add-in for SolidWorks. This plug-in gives SolidWorks the ability to import points from text files.

Points Import for AutoCAD

Points Import for AutoCAD is a plug-in for AutoCAD 2000, 2000i, 2002 and 2004. This plug-in gives AutoCAD the ability to import points from text files.

AGIS for Windows

AGIS for Windows is a mapping and simple GIS shareware package. Plot your own geographic data on the map of the world provided without the high cost and steep learning curve usually associated with this kind of software.

Canvas GIS Advanced (Mac)

CANVAS 9 Advanced GIS Mapping Edition: Direct support for Geographic Information System data. You can take measurements in geographic coordinates, import any popular GIS file types into unlimited numbers of automatically aligned overlapping layers.

Frontbase GPS

GPS Software for Garmin. Download waypoints, routes and tracks from Garmin GPS. Upload waypoints, routes and tracks to Garmin GPS. Excel and Text files supported! This software is very easy to use!

Страницы: 1


От великого до смешного - один шаг.
Наполеон I


Рабиновича исключили из партии за три возмутительных выпада
1) когда секретарь партбюро зашел к нему в кабинет, там висе-
ли портреты Хрущева и Брежнева.
- почему ты до сих пор не снял этого дурака? - спросил сек-
- которого? - спросил Рабинович.
2) увидев пышные похороны члена Политбюро, Рабинович сказал:
- какое разбазаривание средств! Я бы за эти деньги все цк
3) секретарь спросил Рабиновича, почему он не был на
последнем партсобрании.
- если бы я знал, что оно последнее!


Часы бежали со скоpостью 61 минута в час.

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