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» Grammar
Punctuation Invaders
Practice punctuation and capitalization with this arcade grammar game. The student fires a laser to punctuate words while avoiding shots from the aliens. Punctuation exercises, popular in classrooms, are now available in computer game format!
WinProof is a major advance over other grammar checkers. It goes beyond simple grammar checking and it can actually proofread like a person and catch non-English constructions created by careless typing errors like typing "it" when you meant "is".
Grammar Slammer with Checkers
English grammar + spelling checkers with help + reference that answers the questions the checkers raise. Complete reference integrated with checkers. Handy + Easy. Use as tutor, too. Windows 95 or higher.
Grammar Slammer
English grammar help + reference that answers the questions the grammar checker cannot. Get Answers not Questions and real grammar help for Windows. Handy + Easy. Use as tutor, too.
Повторение - мачеха учения и отец глубокого сна. Авессалом Подводный
-- Дорогой, когда мы поженимся, я буду делить с тобой все твои беды и неприятности. -- Но у меня нет никаких неприятностей! -- Я же сказала -- когда поженимся. Обещаю -- они появятся.
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