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» Guitar
Guitar Shed
Integrated software tools for guitarists, bassists, and other musicians. Includes a guitar tuner, tablature organizer, tab finder, chord library, jam machine, song jammer, and much more. Everything the guitarist/musician needs, all in one package.
Chord Miner
Manage chords and chord sets with this superb reference and repertoire tool from the publishers of Guitar and Keyboard Coach. See, hear, print and save the chords you do know, identify the ones you don't, then check out which songs use them.
Guitar Scales Method
If you want to master guitar scales, modes, and improvisation... on all chords, in all keys, all over the fretboard... effortlessly and without hesitation... then the GUITAR SCALES METHOD multimedia course will make your dream come true!
Absolute Fretboard Trainer
Training tool for guitar and bass players who want to know the fretboard of the instrument perfectly and effortlessly. Interactive lessons and drills will help you know each and every note on the fretboard just like you know the open strings.
Guitar and Drum Trainer
Slow down music in 18+ file formats to learn guitar and drums.
Big buttons and space bar repeat help to easily work with the Guitar and Drum Trainer while playing your guitar, drums or other instrument.
Play from 50% to 200% normal speed.
Guitar Power
The Ultimate Scale, Chord and Arpeggio Reference for Guitarists. Guitar Power is an interactive learning system. Quickly and easily use scales, chords and arpeggios. Any style or level - learn the secrets of the pros and play like your guitar heroes.
Find alternative fingerings any chord, identify unknown chords, make up and play new chords, and copy, save or print chord diagrams. Tune your guitar with the Guitar Tuner tool. Chords is free if you change your IE start page to CoolFreeSoftware.com
Guitar Power - PalmOS Edition
The Ultimate Scale, Chord and Arpeggio Reference for Guitarists. Guitar Power is an interactive learning system. Quickly and easily use scales, chords and arpeggios. Any style or level - learn the secrets of the pros and play like your guitar heroes.
Guitar Capo Assistant - PalmOS Edition
Take the mystery out of using a guitar capo! Understand how to use a capo to its best advantage, bringing an extra dimension to your playing. Play chords in difficult keys, change the key of songs, analyse a chord sequence, learn more chords etc.
Guitar Sidekick
Guitar Sidekick is the all-in-one utility for guitarists! Includes a tablature editor/composer that can display your work in tab and standard notation. Also includes tools for scales, chords, a tuner, metronome, drum machine, and much more!
Кто не видит суеты мира, тот суетен сам. Насмехаться над философией - это действительно философствовать. Б. Паскаль
Встречаются бердичевский еврей и варшавский. Варшавский: -- Сколько евреев живет в Бердичеве? -- Тысяч пять. -- А христиан? -- Сотни две. -- И что они делают? -- Известно что: дрова рубят, воду носят, за лошадьми при- сматривают... А в Варшаве сколько евреев? -- Да тысяч двести. -- А христиан? -- Раза в два больше. -- На что же вам столько дровосеков и водоносов?
Любви все полости покорны!