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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы


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BeyondLying - Free Self-Counseling Software for Inner Peace

Free self-counseling software for inner peace. Use Inner Peace for inner peace. Let go of issues that interfere with inner peace. Create states that support inner peace. Easy to do. Enjoy Inner Peace. Share Inner Peace. Pass Inner Peace on to others.


BodyTrans tracks your training, nutrition, and mindset for overall fitness. Features include a nutrition guide, nutrition log, configurable food database, training guide, training log, configurable training database, diary, and more.

BeyondGuilt - Free Self-Counseling Software for Inner Peace

Free self-counseling software for inner peace. Use Inner Peace for inner peace. Let go of issues that interfere with inner peace. Create states that support inner peace. Easy to do. Enjoy Inner Peace. Share Inner Peace. Pass Inner Peace on to others.

BeyondEatingDisorders - Free Self-Counseling Software for Inner Peace

Free self-counseling software for inner peace. Use Inner Peace for inner peace. Let go of issues that interfere with inner peace. Create states that support inner peace. Easy to do. Enjoy Inner Peace. Share Inner Peace. Pass Inner Peace on to others.

Glucose Journal and Database

Helps user keep an organized journal of important blood glucose test results. Powerful sorting capabilities let users view their glucose test results in many different ways. All records are kept perfectly ordered by date and time. Data entry is easy.

NutriGenie Glycemic Index Diet

Award-winning nutrition software with glycemic indices for most common foods, automatic menu generator and unique USDA Food Pyramid analysis. Indispensable to anyone who wants to follow the GI diet.

BeyondPerfectionism - Free Self-Counseling Software for Inner Peace

Free self-counseling software for inner peace. Use Inner Peace for inner peace. Let go of issues that interfere with inner peace. Create states that support inner peace. Easy to do. Enjoy Inner Peace. Share Inner Peace. Pass Inner Peace on to others.


Homeopathic tool with Kent's Repertory of the Homeopathic Materia Medica (abbr: 10,000+ rubrics in 36 chapters), Boericke's Materia Medica (abbr: 100 remedies with cross-references), Hahnemann's Organon of Medicine (complete 6th edition).

BeyondFrigidity - Free Self-Counseling Software for Inner Peace

Free self-counseling software for inner peace. Use Inner Peace for inner peace. Let go of issues that interfere with inner peace. Create states that support inner peace. Easy to do. Enjoy Inner Peace. Share Inner Peace. Pass Inner Peace on to others.

BeyondSelfHatred - Free Self-Counseling Software for Inner Peace

Free self-counseling software for inner peace. Use Inner Peace for inner peace. Let go of issues that interfere with inner peace. Create states that support inner peace. Easy to do. Enjoy Inner Peace. Share Inner Peace. Pass Inner Peace on to others.

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