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Tinnitus Masker Pro
Tinnitus Masker Pro allows you to choose from 14 different sounds and change their parameters so you can achieve the best masking effect for your tinnitus symptoms. Tinnitus Masker Pro is extremely easy to use and get to grips with.
single-step goal-setting software
single-step motivational software will walk you through the goal-setting process one step at a time to help you define what you want out of life. It will help you learn to motivate yourself by identifying what is important to you.
The Wisdom Well
An electronic book (eBook), crammed with over 9MB of information on various topics. Topics included; Business, Children, Health, Food, Recipes, Education, Money, Jobs, Hobbies, Parenting, and much more. Can be printed. Easy to use. For Win95/98/NT.
PocketRx is a prescription manager for Pocket PC with medication reminders for taking and administering medication. PocketRx helps you organize medical history, prescriptions, insurance policies, physicians, and pharmacies for your entire family.
Tapping Test
To keep health from a growth of overfatigue and to supervise efficiency in sport.
Rife Generator
This Program can generate signals in accordance with the theories
of the researcher Royal Rife for use as a Rife Device. It uses standard a sound card to generate frequencies 20Hz-22kHz and can be controlled by scripts (macros).
Smart Diary Suite
More than a simple Diary or a PIM. It is instead a total personal information manager. It can be as simple or as extensive as you want it to be and it can be fully customized to meet all your current and future needs.
RSIGuard Stretch Edition
RSIGuard is an ergonomic tool for the prevention of Repetitive Strain Injuries (e.g. carpal tunnel, deQuervain's, tendinitis etc.) including trauma modeling break timer, automatic mouse-clicking, macros & automatic long-term work pattern logging.
Side-Effects lists the most commonly prescribed Drugs. Search over 500 entries by generic or brand name in the registered version.
UTS Blood Pressure for Palm OS
Track blood pressure & pulse with Palm OS PDA handheld.
Unique reading entry interface without typing. Conduit for export to Excel and CSV. Interactive charts and histograms. This generates reports for your physician.
Эгоисты бывают природные и злостные. Авессалом Подводный
Подвыпивший муж пришел домой поздно. Только начал задушевную беседу с собакой, как тут жена... -- Вот бессовестный! И сколько же ты сегодня выпил? -- Д-д-две кр-ру-жки п-пива,-- еле ворочая языком, ответил муж. -- И это тебя так развезло от двух кружек? Врешь! -- Не веришь? Так спроси у Тузика! Собачка моя дорогая, ну, скажи...-- муж погладил собаку и нежно поцеловал ее. Жена внимательно смотрит на собаку. -- Ну?! Тузик завилял хвостом и дважды пролаял. -- Вот видишь! -- обрадовался муж,-- Правду говорю! Видит жена -- что-то тут не то, недоверчиво смотрит на Тузика. -- Ладно... А сколько этот мерзавец, этот кровопийца, этот пьянчужка вина выпил? Собака поджала хвост, подняла голову и печально завыла: - У-у-у-у-у!
Одеяла и подружки ждут ребят