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Presidents-Mania is an educational game covering 41 Presidents. It has eight levels and lets you choose what time period you wish to cover. Its great pictures and ease of use make it not only educational, but also fun.
Scripture Challenge
Scripture Challenge is an in-depth Bible question and answer game, containing over 3600 questions gathered from the Old and New Testaments. Scripture Challenge offers a unique and enjoyable method of learning more about your Bible.
States-Mania is an educational game covering our 50 states. It has eight levels and lets you choose which region you wish to cover. Its great pictures and ease of use make it not only educational, but also fun.
HieroNote is an ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Tutorial. Learn over 150 hieroglyphic words, 120 determinatives, 425 individual hieroglyphs. You can TYPE in hieroglyphs too!
Alphabet Tutorial; Determinatives Tutorial; Hieroglyphic Word Processor; Quiz
The best education software. Test your memory in this education program. EduProfix is NOT another boring educational software. It is actually a funny game. Racing game. However it is important to know something more than just racing!
All-in-One SECRETMAKER is your Swiss Army Knife for the Internet: Spam Fighter, Pop-Up Killer, Cookie Eraser, History Cleaner, Privacy Protector, Banner Blocker and Worm Hunter. All-in-One SECRETMAKER is freeware. Suitable for newbie's and pro.
Hitler's Europe 1914-45: The Animated Atlas of the Third Reich
A chronicle using interactive maps that starts in 1914 and charts the rise, expansion and fall of Nazi Germany across Europe, the Middle East, North Africa and USSR ending in 1945. Designed for History KS 3 Unit 18 Hot War Cold War, and Key Stage 4,
Лучшая похвала - это та, которая исходит от человека, которому ты ничего хорошего не сделал. Абу Фарадж
Шотландец проиграл за вечер сто фунтов стерлингов и жалобно обратился к своим партнерам по покеру: -- Ребята, помогите, умоляю вас! Если жена узнает, что я проиграл сто фунтов, она голову мне оторвет.-- На глазах у него появились слезы.-- Заклинаю вас, верните мне эти деньги, иначе не жить мне... Партнеры повздыхали, поворчали, но сжалились над бед- нягой, вернули ему деньги. -- Ребята,-- продолжал неудачник,-- дайте мне тогда еще пятьдесят фунтов, чтобы она подумала, будто я выиграл.
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