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Personal Inventory
Personal Inventory is powerful and easy-to-use inventory organizer. You'll have a total control over all your inventory, just add them in one fill information in it. After that you will always know where your inventory items are.
All In One Keylogger
Invisibly records every activity(web,chats,emails,screen-shots,keystrokes,clipboard,microphone) on your computer.
Now you can spy on your: spouse, children,employees, monitor school labs...
Away from home, It can even send you the logs by email.
No Fuss Virtual Desktop
No Fuss Virtual Desktop allows you to quickly switch between an unlimited number of virtual desktops. Organizing your work on different desktops is easy and effective. As the desktops are organized as a checkboard, navigating is easy and intuitive.
8085 simulator
8085 Simulator has a very user friendly interface and the best part is, its FREE to download. You can master 8085 programming in matter of days now. full graphical illustration of the Microprocessor simulator.
Проси совета у того, кто умеет одерживать победы над самим собой. Леонардо да Винчи
Американский профсоюзный деятель посетил НИИ. В комнатах з столами почти никого не было. В коридоре сотрудники стояли кучками, курили и рассказывали анекдоты. На подоконнике двое играли в шахматы. Одна женщина демонстрировала другой новую кофточку. Уходя, гость сказал: - желаю вам успеха в вашей забастовке!
Человек - это звучит гордо, а обезьяна - перспективно