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8085 simulator
8085 Simulator has a very user friendly interface and the best part is, its FREE to download. You can master 8085 programming in matter of days now. full graphical illustration of the Microprocessor simulator.
allSnap is a small system tray program that causes all top level windows to snap to the sides of the screen and each other while moving or sizing, like they do in other programs such as Winamp or Photoshop.
Actual Window Minimizer
Actual Window Minimizer is desktop space saving software that allows minimizing any window to tray or to any screen edge. It handles all standard application windows making it easy to organize uncluttered desktop for convenient working. Try it now!
No Fuss Virtual Desktop
No Fuss Virtual Desktop allows you to quickly switch between an unlimited number of virtual desktops. Organizing your work on different desktops is easy and effective. As the desktops are organized as a checkboard, navigating is easy and intuitive.
Скажи мне, с кем ты близок, я скажу кто ты. К. Гельвеций
-- У вас очень невоспитанный попугай! Такие словечки, вы- ражения -- ужас! -- И не говорите! Ума не приложу, где он этому научился. Уже больше года я ему объясняю, какие слова нельзя говорить. Тупая птица!
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