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Family Budget
Family Budget is a powerful and easy-to-use program to analyse your family budget. With this program you'll be able to understand to what things your family spends most of all money, and whom takes most of your family expenses.
Personal Inventory
Personal Inventory is powerful and easy-to-use inventory organizer. You'll have a total control over all your inventory, just add them in one fill information in it. After that you will always know where your inventory items are.
Vocabulary Racing
Learn new words in a foreign language of your choice easily with a fun words racing game. A right answer makes you go faster and a bad one - or taking too much time to answer - makes you slow down. Includes 200 english, french and spanish words.
How To Have Good Health Naturally With Herbs
Good health can now be at your fingertips with complete illustrated
herb information of medicinal uses, medicinal actions, preparation
instructions, propagation and cultivation, recipes, formulas, and
Daily Tao Quote
Displays a printable quote & photo (Great Wall, Chinese gardens etc) from the Tao at start up. The Tao is a Chinese classic related to the I-Ching and, more loosely, to Zen; source of sayings like: Journey of 1,000 miles starts with a single step.
The best education software. Test your memory in this education program. EduProfix is NOT another boring educational software. It is actually a funny game. Racing game. However it is important to know something more than just racing!
7000 Years Calendar
Local time and date for any locations on Earth, 12 calendars, holidays and memorial days of many countries and religions, Sun, Moon, and Planets (coordinates and time of rise/transit/set), vernal/autumnal equinox/solstice, solar and lunar eclipses.
Природа всегда сильнее принципов. Д. Юм
Гольдман выиграл главный приз в лотерее, поставив на число 49. Кац его спрашивает: -- Как ты додумался поставить на 49? -- Очень просто. Мне снились семерки, я посчитал их, на- считал шесть штук и поставил на 49. -- Но ведь шестью семь -- 42, а не 49! -- Вот и ходи без штанов со своей математикой!
Человек - сам кузнец своих трудностей.