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Handy Finance Lite for Palm
Money management and expense tracking on Palm. Reports, analysis, planning. Palm OS 5 support.
Use Handy Finance to answer questions like: "How much money do I have?", "What incomes and expenses are planned?", "What have I spent my money on?".
My Training Diary
My Training Diary is a simple PC-based program designed to be used by both novice and elite athletes. It caters for both coached and uncoached athletes, as well as coaches and support staff.
Fund Manager - Personal
Fund Manager is a full featured portfolio management application. Fund
Manager is designed to help investors monitor and analyze their stocks,
mutual funds, and other investments with a wide variety of easy to use
graphs and reports.
Groceryboy is an easy to use program for keeping track of Recipes as well as tracking Coupons and creating Shopping lists. You can create individual Meal plans from your Recipes and create Store Specific shopping List for those meals plus much more.
OnCourt is software for all tennis fans. It contains the results of more than 140 thousand tennis matches, played by the best players on the planet since 1990. Various statistics, predict results, daily addition of new results.
Home bookkeeping Lite
Home bookkeeping is to keep Your personal money. There are the following capabilities of Home bookkeeping: recording of expenses; recording of incomes; detailed report on expenses and incomes; providing of different diagrams and many other options.
Easy Diet is a computer application that lets you track your food intake and visualize it.
Karteset is an easy to use cardfile database program. Store and organize any kind of information, suitable for businesses or home use. Use it to store notes, e-mails, customer data, personal information, recipes or any other text-based information.
Home bookkeeping
"Home bookkeeping" has been designed to save your personal expenses. "Home bookkeeping" presents the following features: recording the expenses, incomes, credits and debts, planning, a detailed report, diagrams constructing, printing, exporting.
Homebrew Calculator
Homebrew Calculator: 1) Record recipe and brewing ingredient info 2) Calculates bitterness, color, original gravity, alcohol content 3) Compare to beer styles 4) Print log + whole recipes 5) Extensive online help; brewing tips 250+ term glossary
Последовательная смена людей есть один человек, пребывающий вечно. Б. Паскаль
. Англичанам, привыкшим к фунтам, пинтам и галлонам*, тяжело дается переход на метрическую систему. Переход этот по- родил уже массу анекдотов. Вот один из них. -- Мама, а что такое литр? -- Литр? Это, примерно, то же самое, что и метр, но в мок- ром виде.
Любви все полости покорны!