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Daily Bible and Prayer
Daily Bible and Prayer features a Bible reading plan, daily devotional, and prayer tracker. The Bible reading plan will get you through the Bible in a year, a daily devotional gives you an edifying message every day. Also includes a prayer tracker.
AirPower PocketPC
Photos, description, history, performance data and specifications on many famous U.S. Air Force fighters, bombers, attack aircraft, service aircraft such as transports and AWACS.
My Checkbook
My Checkbook makes managing your personal finances a snap. With simple daily entry and automatic balance features, you'll never bounce a check again! Easily manage your automatic transactions with the schedule feature or use it to remind you.
Bible Collection Plus
Bible Collection Plus combines 2 award winning programs into 1 low priced, high value package. The Bible Collection is already a bargain at $12.99. Now, for only 99 cents more you also get Life Organizer for a savings of $10 or 42% for both products.
OPENCV is a personnal assistant for creating resumes and manage career for job seekers.
You want a resume in English, Italian, Spanish, German or French? You want to auto fill e-recruitment forms of companies?
Book Organizer Deluxe
Complete program that allows book collectors, hobbyists, book clubs, small private or public libraries to organize, catalog, and manage their collections on their PCs.
Movie Organizer Deluxe
Movie Organizer Deluxe is a complete program that allows movie collectors, hobbyists, small libraries, and clubs to organize, catalog, and manage their collections on their PCs.
Chinese Calendrics
A program to convert between dates in various Chinese calendars and dates in the Gregorian and Julian calendars, and to find lunar new year's day and leap months for any year.
If you want to add a Professional Style to your Application without the need of large coding then PBBalloon is right solution for you. PBBalloon 1.6 is the Perfect Control for developers that want to use Balloon Messages on any Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2k
Coin Organizer Deluxe
Coin Organizer Deluxe is a complete program that allows coin collectors, hobbyists, dealers, and clubs to organize, catalog, and manage their coin collections on their PCs.
Беда тому, кто говорит все, что он может сказать. Ф. Вольтер
-- А чего это вы, кума, так быстро снова вышли замуж? - Из-за тоски, кума, из-за скуки. Не с кем было ссориться!
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