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Amazing Astrology
Ken Kirkpatrick Software, the largest publisher of personalization
software, has released Amazing Astrology, a Windows program that produces a suitable-for-framing , personalized insight into anyone's birthday.
Anniversary Bios
Create your own personalized Anniversary prints. This software creates as many attractive prints as you would like. Save money by sending these prints instead of anniversary cards. Increase client retention by sending these with your logo.
AirPower PalmOS
Photos, interesting history info, description, performance data and specifications on many famous U.S. Air Force fighters, bombers, attack aircraft, service aircraft such as transports and AWACS, as well as Daisy Cutter and Bunker Buster bombs...
Freeware de gestion de tournoi de Tennis pour les clubs et les juge-arbitres franзais. Construction automatique des tableaux. Plannification des matchs. Personnalisation complиte. Editions des tableaux et des йtats de rйsultats.
BioChem 1stRespondER PalmOS
BioChem 1stRespondER (tm) is designed to help healthcare professionals deal with chemical and biological warfare attacks. New in v1.6: New Chemical agents: Agent 15, Arsene, Chlorine, Oleoresin Capsicum (OC Pepper Spray), Tear Gas (CS), and others.
Money Organizer Deluxe
Complete program that will help you organize your bank accounts and investment information, personal web accounts, money related web resources. Intuitive interface and ready-to-use templates make it easy to set up and use.
J and L Retirement Planner
The top rated J and L Retirement Planner is a retirement planning software program that allows you to create simple or complex retirement scenarios based on financial events through out your life.
Birthday Keeper
Never forget another birthday or anniversary again! Birthday Keeper will remind you of upcoming birthdays and anniversaries.
JetDat PocketPC
Keep your trip itinerary organized and easily accessible, with flight numbers, departure and arrival times, gate numbers, etc.
Make handy travel conversions between home and local currency, Fahrenheit to Celsius, and Imperial to Metric conversions.
Music Organizer Deluxe
Music Organizer Deluxe is a complete program that allows music collectors, audiophiles, hobbyists, dealers, and clubs to organize, catalog, and manage their collections on their PCs.
Не доверяйте разочарованным. Это почти всегда бессильные. Г. Флобер
Кто-то поинтересовался: -- Говорят, что большинство людей не любят правды. Ему ответили: -- Да, но это касается только тех, кто сам ее никогда не говорит.
грабли, сломанные пополам, бъют в два раза больнее