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» Internet Utility
ZIP Disk Jewel Case and Label Creator for Word
Create professional Zip Disk Jewel Cases and Labels in minutes with this handy utility! Imagine -- with little or no artistic skill, anyone can produce astounding results for home, professional, or business use. Great for any business; easy to use!
Reveal unindexed pages and increase search engine coverage. Uncover which pages are not in the top search engines, submit this and gather missing traffic. See exactly what pages are or are not indexed by the engines. Use the 45 day trial.
Search Toolbar
Search ToolBar is shareware for Internet Explorer for searching multiple web search engines, auctions, movies, daily news; with a pop up ad killer, form filler, mp3 player, email checker, program launcher, program launcher, and more.
SERanker Pro
Search engine position ranker which visually indicates your site ranking among the top search engines. Trend tracking, TOP TEN url listing with visual highlight domain names, Keyword Suggestion Tool, Improvement Tool
Finally, an add-on for Word automates faxing using any fax program on the market. WordFax automates faxing and printing hard copies all within Word for Windows.
TrayNote Plus
NEW! TrayNote Plus: The Only Internet Enabled Sticky NotePad! With easy one-click access, this is the ideal "forget-not" utility!
WebLog Manager Pro
WebLog Manager Pro lets you create your own custom web visitor tracking
system. Track standard log information, referrering sites, browser type
etc. Includes an E-Commerce Tracker identifies referring sites for
purchasers. Track visitors by us
WinFax Pro Automator for Word
The One-Click Faxing Solution for WinFax and Word. Faxing has never been so easy or convenient! With this tool, let Word harness the power of WinFax Pro. Save time and boost productivity with one-click, professional faxing.
Wordware CD Player for Word
Enjoy CDs (Compact Disc Audio) while you work - right from inside Word for Windows! It works
like a real CD Player with options for Play, Skip Tracks Forwards and Backwards, Pause, and
Eject. It's a complete CD player right from a Word Toolbar.
Wordware Personal Information Manager for Word
A complete solution for quick and easy access to contacts in Word. It's people management made simple! Finally, a Personal Information Manager (PIM) comes to Word for Windows! Have your own address book and telephone directory at your fingertips.
Если теряешь интерес ко всему, то теряешь и память. И. Гёте
Браун отправился в воскресенье на экскурсию в горы. На склоне одного холма он заметил пастуха, сторожившего овец. Он подошел к нему и сказал: -- Не правда ли, Друг, ужасно скучно сидеть тут целый день и ничего не делать?! -- Что вы! -- ответил пастух.-- Сюда вечно забредают какие- нибудь бездельники и задают дурацкие вопросы!
Неверный опохмел ведет к запою