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» Internet Utility
KF Whois makes it easy to look up and store domain registration details. It tracks changes to domain registrations and warns you when they are about to expire.
Just Buttons
Need to create a button or banner for your web site but don't want to learn how to use those complicated paint programs? Well Just Buttons lets you create web buttons and banners instantly, just the way you want! Including Javascript mouse events!
An easy-to-use music manager/jukebox for serious music collectors. It catalogs CDs, OGG, WMA, and MP3 files and includes a CD ripper, audio converter, tag editor and file renamer. It creates music mixes, and levels volume as it plays and it's free!
Easy Web Buttons
If you need to create 3D web buttons and you need them yesterday and they have to look good this is the tool for you. Easy Web Buttons lets you point and click your way to beautiful buttons in minutes. Change colors, fonts, gradient effects and more!
HomeWatcher Lite
HomeWatcher is motion-sensitive webcam software for Windows.
Originally designed for security purposes like watching your house from work, HomeWatcher can be used in almost any situation where remote monitoring is required.
Если только знать, но не действовать, то это равносильно неучению. Чжу Си
Убежденный холостяк говорит другу: -- Женщины -- хуже гангстеров! -- Это почему? -- Потому что гангстеры требуют деньги, но ставят перед вы- бором -- "жизнь или кошелек". А женщины и жизни не дают, и кошелек забирают!
Женщина как парашют - в любой момент может отказать, поэтому всегда надо иметь запасной!