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» Learning Tool
Minerva is a program intended to help you in the study of almost any topic: create or download "study books", and include in them everything you'd like to memorize when studing languages, chemistry, geography... and just let Minerva work!
Mind4Math Advanced
Mind4Math is an easy to use teaching assistant for both the classroom educator and the home teacher. Mind4Math includes more challenging addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems for your young students.
Mind4Math Decimals
Mind4Math is an easy to use teaching assistant for both the classroom educator and the home teacher. Mind4Math includes addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and decimal problems for your young students.
Mind4Math Grade 1&2
Mind4Math is an easy to use teaching assistant for both the classroom educator and the home teacher. Mind4Math includes addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems for your young students.
Только тот способен на великие деяния, кто живет так, словно он бессмертен. Л. Вовенарг
В тюремной камере - за что сидишь? - рассказал анекдот. - а ты? - слушал анекдот. - а ты? - за лень! Был на вечеринке. Один рассказал анекдот. Иду домой и думаю: сейчас, что ли донести или завтра утром? Ладно, думаю, завтра утром успеется. Ночью забрали!
Жизнь - это то, что происходит, пока мы строим другие планы. (Джон Леннон)