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Super Poker - AI Game
Super Poker is developed as an AI project by taking inputs from various professional players and by studying heuristics suggested for this game. Computer plays by a predetermined procedure which is unlike many other games is not randomized.
By Heart
This program is a great opportunity if you have to learn by heart any list of any subject. It is very simple to make it work: just create a text (.TXT) file, in each line, put the question, type a character, and type the answer.
EasyPattern Helper
EasyPatterns are a cool new way to describe text patterns. They're English-like, powerful and easy to understand. Parse a phone number with [PhoneNumber] or [optional punctuation, 3 digits, punctuation, 3 digits, punctuation, 4 digits].
Если два человека говорят одинаково, это не значит, что они говорят одно и то же. Б.Г. Кузнецов
-- Лучшими днями своей жизни я обязан Карпатам... -- Как это понять? Ты же там никогда не был. -- Я -- нет, но моя жена ежегодно ездит туда в отпуск.
Ученье - свет, а неученье - приятный полумрак (Надпись в раздевалке школьного спортзала)