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Books Program
Quickly catalog your book collection or library. Enter as much or as little as you are interested in tracking. Use key word searching to easily locate any book in your collection.
JNIWrapper eliminates difficulties in working with the native code from Java programs using standard JNI approach. With JNIWrapper there is no need to create native libraries to call a function of the operating system API or a function from a library
privacy tool that helps you maintain your privacy by cleaning up all traces of your Internet and PC usage - erases entered data like personal information in online forms, Urls in your browser address bar - clears temp and temporary internet files
Matrix TCL
This is a C++ template class library to perform matrix calculations with ease and efficiency in your programs. It supports most of the matrix calculations that you may need to do in your C++ programs. Full source code is included with the package.
Самокритика - самый сложный вид самообслуживания. В. Жемчужников
-- Ты знаешь, дорогой, сегодня я накормила нищего и дала ему один доллар! -- Он съел суп? -- Да, всю тарелку. -- В таком случае он честно заработал доллар.