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» Development Tools
» MS Access
Software Techniques Parsing Tool (STPT)
Allows a user to extract (parse) numeric data (tables, lists, numbers) and non-numeric data (words, sentences) from any ASCII (text) file easily and efficiently without the need to program complicated and time-consuming file I/O routines.
SQL Batch Executor
SQL Batch Executor will run SQL scripts for any database with an ODBC compliant driver.
A Better Switchboard for MS Access
"A Better Switchboard" is an add-in for MS Access that provides you with a collection of enhanced MS Access switchboard menus that you can use with your application.
Drag-N-Dropper for MS Access
Drag-N-Dropper is an MS Access module and form that you can add into your Access application to provide drag and drop functionality between text-based Access controls.
LASsie (Light Application Security) for MS Access
LASsie (Light Application Security) is a library add-in for MS Access applications that enables form/report/control/record level security. Use LASsie as a simplified alternative to MS Access' built-in security.
Button Painter for MS Access
Button Painter is an add-in for Microsoft Access that adds smooth gradient colors to your command buttons and allows for button color changes on mouse over and when buttons are clicked.
KeyedAccess for MS Access
Create shareware-type versions of your MS Access applications with the help of this utility that generates and validates 16 digit Reg ID/Product Keys, or Installation Serial Numbers and Unlock Codes.
Как странно! О моей бедной жене я думаю часто, но не могу думать о ней долго. М. Пруст
Председатель весьма уважаемого английского клуба со- общает одному из его членов: -- Вчера мы поймали за руку шулера. -- И вы, конечно, тотчас же исключили его из клуба? -- Нет еще. Мы потребовали, чтобы сначала он научил нас своим трюкам.
До свадьбы мужчина и женщина говорят друг другу: "Мне нравишься только ты", а после свадьбы: "Ты нравишься только мне".