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MyWorld Maintenance Standard
MyWorld Maintenance is easy to use preventive and repair maintenance software that can be used to track just about any type of object. Whether you are tracking facility maintenance, heavy equipment, or copy machines, this software will do the job.
Registry Healer
Registry cleanup tool. Speed-up your Windows® by cleaning and correction the registry! Registry Healer scans registry for invalid path references, fonts, help files, application paths, obsolete Start Menu items, invalid shared DLLs and more.
PSTCompactor - SOHO Edition
Recovers wasted space from Microsoft Outlook PST files, reducing their size by compressing (zip) attachments, forcing compaction, removing deleted content and more! Makes Outlook run faster, more reliable and less prone to data corruption.
PSTCompactor - Professional Edition
Reduces Microsoft Outlook PST file sizes at home or across the Corporate network. Compress (zip) attachments, automate compaction, etc. Suitable for management and implementation of Enterprise Email Policies. No changes to Exchange necessary.
Automobile Tracker
Automobile Tracker - This straightforward program lets you enter and track information about your automobile. Maintenance reminders bases on mileage and/or dates can be displayed.
Clear Documents Utility
Allows you to delete selected file(s) or remove all the files in the Windows Documents Menu
NewWayService is incontestably the complete software solution you need for your service management. Whatever your industry, NewWayService allows you to follow efficiently your service requests (work orders / Jobs) in an efficient way.
Fleet Maintenance Pro Standard
FMP makes it easy to manage preventive and repair maintenance on your fleet. FMP alerts you when PM is due, provides user-definable PM services, generates a fleet history, monitors operating costs, and tracks repairs, fuel, vendors, and drivers.
Fleet Maintenance Pro Deluxe
FMP makes it easy to manage preventive and repair maintenance on your fleet. FMP alerts you when PM is due, provides user-definable PM schedules, generates a fleet history, monitors operating costs, and tracks repairs, fuel, vendors, and drivers.
IP_Sync Logic
File and folder synchronization made as easy as 1-2-3. Run from the GUI or command line. Even helps create the command line argument from within the GUI. Schedule commands through Windows scheduler and never worry about missing files again.
Неужели нельзя изобрести средство, которое заставило бы женщин любить своих мужей? Ж. Лабрюйер
Состоялась защита кандидатской диссертации на тему: "введени спиртного через задний проход". Диссертант научно доказал, что этот способ имеет преимущества перед обычным: мало нужно, чтобы опьянеть; можно без закуски; изо рта не пахнет. Оппонент задал вопрос, как при этом способе выпивать на брудершафт. - это тема моей докторской, - ответил диссертант.
Австралийский абориген купил себе новый бумеранг. Но никак не может выбросить старый.