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» Memory Training
KGB'secrets (APE)
KGB'secrets™ Advanced Personal Edition. This self-development software is based upon some of secret technologies. It will help you to develop your attention, memory, logics, visual processing speed and much more for a short term.
KGB'secrets (AMUCE)
KGB'secrets™ Advanced MultiUser Contest Edition. This self-development software is based upon some of secret technologies. It will help you to develop your attention, memory, logics, visual processing speed and much more for a short term.
KGB'secrets (MUCE)
KGB'secrets™ MultiUser Contest Edition. This self-development software is based upon some of secret technologies. It will help you to develop your attention, memory, logics, visual processing speed and much more for a short term.
KGB'secrets (SPE)
KGB'secrets™ Standard Personal Edition. This self-development software is based upon some of secret technologies. It will help you to develop your attention, memory, logics, visual processing speed and much more for a short term.
Меж всевозможных существ, которые дышат и ходят, Здесь, на нашей земле, человек наиболее жалок. Гомер
Пиратское судно напало на пассажирский парусник. Силы моряков на исходе. Вот-вот победят пираты. Один из моряков па- русника обращается к капитану: -- Сэр! Давайте бросим в них ядро! -- Нет, не надо. Это негуманно. -- Так что -- значит, я его зря зажег?
Чтоб ты жил на одну рекламу