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» Memory Training
KGB'secrets (APE)
KGB'secrets™ Advanced Personal Edition. This self-development software is based upon some of secret technologies. It will help you to develop your attention, memory, logics, visual processing speed and much more for a short term.
KGB'secrets (AMUCE)
KGB'secrets™ Advanced MultiUser Contest Edition. This self-development software is based upon some of secret technologies. It will help you to develop your attention, memory, logics, visual processing speed and much more for a short term.
KGB'secrets (MUCE)
KGB'secrets™ MultiUser Contest Edition. This self-development software is based upon some of secret technologies. It will help you to develop your attention, memory, logics, visual processing speed and much more for a short term.
KGB'secrets (SPE)
KGB'secrets™ Standard Personal Edition. This self-development software is based upon some of secret technologies. It will help you to develop your attention, memory, logics, visual processing speed and much more for a short term.
Просвещение имеет своей целью воспитание характера. Г. Спенсер
Год 1994-й по восточному календарю -- год Собаки. По решению ЮНЕСКО он признан Годом Семьи. Поэтому предлагается формула самого короткого семей- ного диалога. Муж: - Р-р-р-р! Жена: -- Гав-гав-гав!
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