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Spin Around (Mac)
Spin Around is a variation of the classical align three coloured balls. You can move a row of balls at time, but you can also rotate the whole game board clockwise or counter-clockwise!
Spin Around
Spin Around is a variation of the classical align three coloured balls. You can move a row of balls at time, but you can also rotate the whole game board clockwise or counter-clockwise!
Five games, where you are:
Compose a coloured lines on a board.
Find predefined layouts of coloured balls.
Disassembly various figures on a board.
Place balls onto respective squares.
...and well-known "Fifteen" game with advanced rules.
Color Spreading
Addictive, original, simple - it's about logic game "Color Spreading". The game goal: each of 81 cells is marked by colored triangle, and anything is required is placing colored balls to get them placed accordingly colored triangles.
Отвергая любовь, человек не только отвергает Бога, но и громко зовёт дьявола. Авессалом Подводный
Из энциклопедии XXI века: "Гитлер - мелкий тиран сталинско эпохи".
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