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» Audio
» Misc. Sound Tools
RAD / Realtime Analyzer DSS
Quality sound measurement software equivalent to at least US$20,000 hardware. RAD is the functional limited edition of the advanced acoustic research system DSSF3. RAL + Impulse response, Running ACF.
RAE / Realtime Analyzer ENA
Advanced sound analyzer with latest environmental noise measurement technology. RAL + Impulse response, Running ACF, sound analyzer, environment noise measument.
RAL / Realtime Analyzer Light
Quality sound measurement software equivalent to at least US$10,000 hardware.You can use it for wide scope of audio and acoustics: car audio, home audio, concert hall and room acoustics, sound analysis and noise measurement.
DSSF3 Full system Version
Various sound measurement can be performed using a various functions in the realtime analyzer.DSSF3 is the world's highest class measurement system equipped with the latest technology.
Natural Voice Text to Speech Reader
This is a free and fully functional text-to-speech software with Microsoft Voices. Just one-click, you can have your computer read any part of the news, weather forecast, charting messages, and e-mails.
...умение беседы требует мало слов. Куда больше это искусство пауз. З. Юрьев
-- Целыми днями я говорю что-нибудь моему мужу. А он в ответ -- ни слова. Боюсь, доктор, что у него серьезное психическое заболевание. -- Это не заболевание, мадам. Это -- талант.
Если ты нашел на счастье подкову, значит кто-то другой недавно отбросил кпыта.