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Virtuosa all-in-one music and movie jukebox !
Download Virtuosa, the ultimate all-in-one music and movie software jukebox to rip, import, play, burn, mix, convert, organize, normalize, visualize, print and enjoy music and movies. Burn 1000 tracks on a DVD, convert audio files,... 6 languages !
Wincph encryption software
file and folder encryption software.It protect the privacy of your sensitive files and e-mail messages by encrypting them with the highest level of security.Includes hides them within a graphic file. It is integrated into Windows Context Menu.
BB TestAssistant
A new type of test tool that records movies of what you see on your PC
screen. Automatically captures application errors and creates bug reports ready to mail to a
developer. Improve communications and catch elusive problems.
FadeToBlack AVI Video Editor
Quickly and easily join, split, crop, modify color, rotate, overlay, blur your AVI video files, along with sequences of JPG and BMP images or photos from your digital camera.
Movie Catalogue
The complete organizer for all your movies. Easy to use with many special options - artists film list, your film list of an artist, picture from the film, pictures of the artist and much more. Strong search, rapports for print and more.
Living Scenes Jigsaw Puzzles
A unique collection of full motion jigsaw puzzles on CD-ROM. See and hear the action of the puzzle scenes (e.g., a lovely waterfall) within the pieces as you snap them together. You choose the number of pieces. Create your own puzzles. Free shipping.
Fx Movie Splitter and Trimmer
Fx, Movie Splitter and Trimmer is a tool that enables you to save sections from an existing movie file to a new AVI file. Supported input file types include AVI, MPEG, Indio Video and Quick-Time V1 and V2 Movies.
Advanced AVI Splitter
Movie splitter, audio extractor and video frames grabber
Advanced AVI Splitter allows you to extract fragments from existing movie files and save them as new movies.
...человек родится, чтобы жить в судорогах беспокойства и летаргии скуки. Ф. Вольтер
Цыгану надоела голодная кочевая жизнь, и решил он с горя повеситься. Выбрал дерево над речкой, привязал веревку, накинул петлю на шею... Раз! А веревка оборвалась, и он полетел в воду. Спасли его с трудом, потому что плавать не умел. -- Чего это ты надумал? -- спрашивают люди. -- Ай! Оставьте меня,-- сердится цыган,-- из-за чертовой веревки чуть не утопился!
Кто первый встал, того и тапки!