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» Audio
» Music Creation
NGWave is a fast Audio Editor for Windows. Features include unmatched wave display technology, full 32-Bit internal processing, lightening fast editing, unlimited Undo/Redo, many processing functions, and much more.
Music Transformation
Music Transformation is a software module that allows the user to transform music Music octave and tones segments up to 1/64 tones of any WAV file it helps you change any music or vocal creation and save the results in WAV files, for special effects.
Gitarrero Beginner
Software guitar school for beginners with videos, midis, pictures and useful interactive features; Topical Contents: chords, rhythm patterns, accompaniments, listen to or play 28 exercises/songs in different degrees of difficulty, test feature, tuner
Fractal Tune Smithy
Create beautiful snowflake like fractal music. Vary the parameters and hear the tunes transformed! Send your tunes as musical e-cards to your friends. Play in historical or exotic tunings using a music keyboard or your p.c. keyboard.
Record, edit, add audio effects, mix and burn your digital audio files.
People Group Master
Our company offers you a full package for community site development. The given program has been designed specially for easy creation of community agency site. With the help of our program you can create your own community site within 5 minutes...
Скорбь безгранична, радость имеет пределы. О. Бальзак
-- Кум, сколько молока вы надаиваете в день от своей коровы? -- Десять литров. -- А сколько продаете? -- Тоже десять. Больше не могу: надо же и детям пару лит- ров оставить!
"Е# твою мать!" - не выражение, а стиль жизни