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» Music Education
Slow down music from any audio CD - hear and learn every note. The styles and solos of all the master musicians become accessible to you with this acclaimed transcripton tool. Top sound quality and convenience for musicians at all levels.
Virtual Fretboard for Guitar
The Virtual Fretboard for Guitar software package allows users to
browse fretboards for many different instruments
and tunings. It displays the note positions on the
fretboard in both chord and scale modes.
Cyclic Independence for Drummers
A virtual workshop for drummers from beginners to advanced including over 350 graded exercises. Can also be used by all musicians to create great sounding MIDI drum tracks and export them as MIDI files.
Слово - тень дела. Демокрит
Вышел мужик рано утром из дому, глядь -- а у соседа во дворе красный "Жигуль" стоит. Зовет жену: -- Ну это ж надо! На работе выговор схлопотал, сын учится плохо, жена запилила... Своих неприятностей по завязку, а тут еще и сосед машину купил!
Летальный исход евреев.