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StarForce ProActive SN100
Licensing and protection solution including 100 release licenses to protect a software product. The licenses are customized according to your company's licensing and and distribution policy. Various activation and delivery methods for your product.
Screen Privacy
Screen Privacy allows you to hide and restore windows by pressing secret key. It protects your privacy, prevent your information from being seen by someone else. And allows you to work calmly and do not be afraid of uninvited visitors.
Screen Calendar
Create custom desktop with built in active calendar (small or large and even transparent) just over wallpaper, with the useful to-do list in the day cells. Change background with any period. Print the calendar or notes.
Scientific Letter
Scientific Letter is a scientific mailer that allows you to create messages with complex equations. Recipients of letters from SciLetter who use other mail clients will see the message text with equations included in it as a LaTeX notation.
Georeference digital images with latitude, longitude, and altitude information. Stamp this info on the actual images or write to the EXIF headers. Works with any modern digital camera. No GPS required. F1 help. Low cost and easy to use.
RIS Menu Editor v2.0
RISME extends WIN 2K and 2003's RIS functionality by allowing administrators - from their desktop - to add menus and options to the RIS Client Installation Wizard, and to create boot images delivering BIOS upgrades, virus scanning & OS deployments.
RIS Menu Editor v1.0
RIS Menu Editor extends the functionality of RIS by allowing network administrators to add menus and options to the RIS Client Installation Wizard, and to create boot images. These can deliver BIOS upgrades, virus scanning programs & OS deployments
Network Boot Tools
Complete package of services and applications required to setup a Windows network booting environment, including: PXE, BOOTP, and TFTP services, Boot Image Editor, Client boot parameter database editor (BOOTPTAB Editor), DOS-based pre-OS utilities
Report Maker Pro
Browse databases, run SQL queries, or build reports, Convert databases to MS Excel spreadsheet. Quickly build field mapping between source and target dataset. Through mouse dragging, a field mapping will be automatically created.
Read-e PLUS
1) Reads aloud the vast majority of web pages and page elements 2) Unique multi-senory interface 4) spell-checks text typed in to web pages 5) Pop-up and child browser suppression 6) Reads text from other applications and more..
Чтобы избавиться от кого-нибудь, достаточно предоставить ему возможность погрязнуть в каком-нибудь пороке. О. Бальзак
-- Я предлагаю провести новогодний праздник в максималь- но спокойной семейной обстановке. Как это было когда-то... -- го- ворит муж жене. Жена замечает, что у супруга даже слезы выступили на глазах. Она нежно обнимает его. -- Я согласна, дорогой. Давай обсудим детали. -- Хорошая мысль. Значит так: я куплю колбасы, сыра, бу- тылок пять "портвейна", а ты съездишь в гости к своим родителям.
Если к вскочившей на лбу шишке пpиложить не пятак, а металлический pубль, то шишка исчезнет в двадцать pаз быстpее.