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» Pager Tools
NotePager Pro
Send text or SMS messages to pagers, mobile phones, and PIMs using an easy to use desktop application. Send messages through the Internet or a modem. Group messaging, pre-programmed messages and scheduled paging. Send to anyone, anywhere, any time!
NotePager 32
Send text or SMS messages to pagers and/or mobile phones with an easy to use desktop application. Messages can be sent to single or multiple devices. A built in character counter allows for message length to be monitored.
NotePager Net
Network paging software that allows for group paging, on-call messaging, scheduled paging, preprogrammed messages, and repeating messages. NotePager Net is a paging gateway that facillitates sending messages to paging devices and cell phones.
Если Бога нет, то какой же я после этого капитан? (высказывание капитана Лебядкина, "Бесы") Ф.М. Достоевский
- Рабинович, посмотрите, какое красивое небо - да, - сказал Рабинович, не поднимая головы, - это они уме- ют!
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