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» Pop-up Killer
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Pop Up Blocker and Ad Killer for Kazaa
Pop Up Blocker and Ad Killer is designed to automatically detect and stop the pop up windows that are opened by popular file sharing programs such as Kazaa, Kazaa Lite, Morpheus, Grokster, XoloX, iMesh and Direct Connect.
Sureshot PopUp Killer
Kill browser, Messenger Service, GAIN and SaveNow pop-ups automatically. The popup stopper has full support for both pop-ups and pop-under ads and will kill them even before they appear on the screen.
AdsCleaner is a perfect ad stopper and pop up blocker. It blocks banners by black list, by dimension and much more. It allows "shrink" page exclude place occupy advertising. Online privacy tool. Adding comments for visited pages save you time.
Managing IE windows! Clear all tracks of your online activities! Translating web pages into various languages and web pages voicing! Quick Groups and loading multiple pages with a single click! URL aliases! Saving and loading lists of IE pages!
Делать то, что доставляет удовольствие, - значит быть свободным. Ф. Вольтер
Городской гость в селе: -- Хорошо у вас тут: и луг, и лес, и молоко... -- Это точно: и коса есть, и топор с пилой, и навоз тоже.
Пришла весна, руки распускаются.