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» Presentation Software
Canvas GIS Mapping Edition
CANVAS 9 GIS Mapping Edition includes direct support for Geographic Information System data. You can take measurements in geographic coordinates, import SHAPE & GeoTIFF files into unlimited numbers of automatically aligned overlapping layers.
Canvas Professional Edition (Mac)
CANVAS 9 is the high-performance drawing environment for professionals in business, science, and engineering. It seamlessly integrates technical drawing, image editing, page layout, web graphics & presentation features into a single application.
Canvas Scientific Imaging Edition (Mac)
CANVAS 9 Scientific Imaging Edition blends native support for advanced imaging and DICOM support with Canvas' full range of vector illustration, image editing, page layout, web graphics, and desktop presentation features.
Canvas GIS Advanced (Mac)
CANVAS 9 Advanced GIS Mapping Edition: Direct support for Geographic Information System data. You can take measurements in geographic coordinates, import any popular GIS file types into unlimited numbers of automatically aligned overlapping layers.
Canvas GIS Advanced
CANVAS 9 Advanced GIS Mapping Edition includes direct support for Geographic Information System data. Take measurements in geographic coordinates, import any popular GIS file types into unlimited numbers of automatically aligned overlapping layers.
Canvas GIS Mapping Edition (Mac)
CANVAS 9 GIS Mapping Edition includes direct support for Geographic Information System data. You can take measurements in geographic coordinates, import SHAPE & GeoTIFF files into unlimited numbers of automatically aligned overlapping layers.
Canvas Professional Edition
CANVAS 9 is the high-performance drawing environment for professionals in business, science, and engineering. It seamlessly integrates technical drawing, image editing, page layout, web graphics & presentation features into a single application.
OrgPlus 4.0 SE Professional
OrgPlus 4.0 SE Organizational Chart Software, chosen by over 400 of the Fortune 500, is the leading organization chart software used by professionals worldwide. Import your employee data into OrgPlus and create professional organization charts.
Canvas Scientific Imaging Edition
CANVAS 9 Scientific Imaging Edition blends native support for advanced imaging and DICOM support with Canvas' full range of vector illustration, image editing, page layout, web graphics, and desktop presentation features.
Чтобы переварить знания, надо поглощать их с аппетитом. А. Франс
У одного актера была уродливая жена. Однажды в дождли- вый, пасмурный день она спросила его: "Как нам провести этот день с наибольшей пользой?" Он ответил ей: "Развестись и разделиться".
Что ж это мы водку не допили! Примета плохая!