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» Project Management
QuickRef Project Assistant
If you bill by the hour, QuickRef can make your life easier. It tracks time, expenses, to-do items, and keeps all your notes organized and easy to find. Working alone or in a group, QuickRef is the answer to your record keeping and reporting needs.
Pragmatic Office
Pragmatic Office is a powerful intranet that allows your team to collaborate effectively via the web. Share documents, appointments, project deliverables, and customer contacts via the web. Schedule conference rooms and vacations.
PMX is a simple Project Management application for Mac OS X. With it you can manage resources, time and cost associated with any project. It is straightforward to use, offering a consistent and simple set of operations.
Project Manager
LTC Project Manager Software helps Project Managers by providing a central project details repository, team management, task management, deadline management, dissemenation of tasks to your team; all in one application that is easy to use.
Project Planner PE lite
Project Planner - PE lite lets you manage your projects. It has most features found in the Project planner - PE version. However it lacks the feature to save your files .PPR format which can be read by others.
Project Planner-PE
Project Planner lets you manage your projects and allows your team members to modify their task status online/real time. It also gives you control over the schedule as well as the cost expended on your project along with a risk log.
Project Tracker
PROJECT TRACKER will assist Project Leaders, Consultants or Contractors who need to track work performed, including hours and materials for tasks . Powerful reporting features are also included.
Project Tracker11
Project estimation, costing tool for tracking job costs,employee time, suppliers, estimates proposals.
Free tool to convert project plans created by MS-Project (MPP files) to Smartworks Project planner (PPR) format. Users can now share the MPP files with others who do not have MS-Project installed on their system.
Smartworks - Project Planner
Project Planner PE 4.5, lets you track and manage your projects in the way you had always wanted. It offers you several views ( Gantt, Network, Resource, Estimation, Risk, Plan..) to get the broad understanding of where your project is heading.
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