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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы


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Smartworks - Project Planner Reader

Project Planner Reader - Free reader / Viewer to read files created by Smartworks Project planner version 4.0 and MS Project .MPP files.. Frees you from having a project management software to share project plans among users.


Smartworks-SO Trial software, is a trial edition of Smartworks-Small Office and has been released based on requests from users of Smartworks-PE , to evaluate the groupware edition. This has 10 user license and has all the work group features.

Timeless Time & Expense Single-User

An easy to use detailed project based Time and Expense tracker. Includes detail, summary and invoice reports, To Do list, task timer and many user customizations.


Feature rich multi purpose project tracking application. Used to track a variety of project related issues, such as tasks, bug reports, change request, work request.

DOVICO Track-IT Suite

Track-IT Suite is a professional time management and project tracking software for resource tracking and project costing. WEB, WAN and VPN, LAN, PDA's, and most wireless devices are supported. Cross platform Integration, SDK included.


TimeFix is awesome multi-user software solution for automatic tracking and logging of time you and your colleagues spend working with various software applications.


Record and analyze time spent on your computer! Monitor the time your computer has been running and the time each user is actively using the computer. Stopwatches record time for individual projects. Reports and graphs show a history of activity.

VeriTime Time Tracker

VeriTime is a task/activity time tracking program that enables you to keep track of time spent and to record a description of the action performed.

Visual TimeAnalyzer for time tracking

Visual TimeAnalyzer automatically tracks all PC activities, working time, pauses, projects, costs, software and internet use. The time tracking software presents detailed, richly illustrated reports. Parents have control over their children's PC use.


Versatile project tracker that surveys the time you spent working with your PC. WorkTime gathers statistics about projects you worked with, running programs, documents you opened, web-sites you visited and time you spent for every of these tasks.

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Потребность человека в исповеди не исчезнет никогда.
И. Гёте


Американец, англичанин и русский хвалятся прочностью свое
- у нас один упал с 100-го этажа, - говорит американец. - к
счастью, он приземлился на ноги, подошвы спружинили, и он снова
взлетел на 100-й этаж.
- у нас один отплыл на корабле, - говорит англичанин. - ког-
да корабль отошел от порта на 100 миль, его потянуло назад и при-
тащило обратно в порт. Оказалось, что наш путешественник зацепил-
ся подтяжкой за причал.
- а у нас один в лифт свалился. Сам - вдребезги, а галоши


Чем больше писем от любимой - тем чище задница солдата..

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