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» Project Management
Project Management Tutor
A freeware to introduce basics of project management. Highlights and explains all the jargons a project manager need to know in order to manage projects successfully. An ideal tool for a novice project manager.
Real Option Valuation
The Real Option Valuation model encompasses a suite of option pricing tools to quantify the embedded strategic value for a range of financial analysis and investment scenarios. Option pricing tools include Black-Scholes, Binomial, and Game Theory.
Schedules4Team is an ideal collaboration tool allowing you to create and access a common workgroup MS Outlook Calendar,Free/Busy time,share appointments,meetings,events and resources without a server.View in regular Outlook Calendar or TimeLine Grid.
Scotland Yard
SCOTLAND YARD is an electronic sign in/out board that helps track the location of employees. Each person uses a sign-in out screen to enter his or her status, whether in or out, at meetings or lunch, on a business trip, sick or vacation.
Senomix Timesheets
Senomix Timesheets is the easiest networked timesheet system for engineering and project-based offices. All features are installed in minutes to let you track project progress or export data to QuickBooks or Peachtree as needed.
Shut Up And Reboot
Shut Up And Reboot! is an affordable, easy to use, multi-user ready help desk program. The data is in the .dbf file format so you may user 3rd party report writing software, but more than two dozen reports are included.
Sirid for Windows
Sirid is designed for managing software projects. It lets you easily assign tasks between the personnel, report bugs, manage specifications and record feature requests, altogether helping you to meet the deadlines and come up with better products.
Smart WorkTime Tracker
Fully automated and programmers-oriented tracking of time spent working on projects developed using the computer. To do list. Export to MS Access Database. HTML reports.
SmartWorks is a cost effective and scalable collaboration tool, which allows people in a workgroup to share, track and manage information flow. SmartWorks is a client-server based software and comes with several default plugins to get you going.
Project Risk Analysis
Use Monte Carlo Simulation to determine the risk of a project being overspent and the contingency needed to achieve the desired level of confidence.
Если и есть две истины, то вот они: 1) любите только себя и живите настоящим; 2) любите все и думайте о вечности. М. Фичино
-- Посмотри, дорогая! Купил тебе чудо-робот. Незаменимый твой друг и помощник на кухне и по хозяйству. Теперь ты меня не будешь упрекать и ругать. Достаточно нажать эту коричневую кноп- ку и установить программу -- робот выстирает, выгладит, сварит, вымоет посуду и сделает уборку. -- Извини, Эдвард, но кто же будет нажимать кнопку и ус- танавливать программу?
Сбор в 10 часов. У кого часы электронные - в 1000.