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Test Constructor
Test constructor is a universal program for testing the knowledge. The program can be used to perform testing both at home and various educational institutions. The program allows using an unlimited number of topics, questions and answers.
WordWeb is a powerful free English thesaurus and dictionary. Find definitions and synonyms, as well as various sets of related words. The database has over 150 000 root words. The program can be used on its own or with almost any Windows program.
ZIP Code Distance Wizard
Locates ZIP Codes that are within close proximity of a specified ZIP Code. All you do is type in a ZIP Code, specify the radius distance in miles, and within seconds, a list of ZIP Codes that fall within that radius is displayed.
Business Reports
Compilation of over 100 "How To" reports, time-saving tips, personal self-help, and money-saving ideas for small business owners. Dozens of successful business people and over one hundred years of experience have contributed to this collection.
Grammar Slammer with Checkers
English grammar + spelling checkers with help + reference that answers the questions the checkers raise. Complete reference integrated with checkers. Handy + Easy. Use as tutor, too. Windows 95 or higher.
Make conversions from one unit of measurement to another. includes conversion for fluids, weights, distances, areas, circles, temperatures, numerals and fractions. A Custom section lets you "roll your own".
Grammar Slammer
English grammar help + reference that answers the questions the grammar checker cannot. Get Answers not Questions and real grammar help for Windows. Handy + Easy. Use as tutor, too.
Cresotech Convert-It
Cresotech CONVERT-IT is a convenient Pocket PC based tool to convert different measuring system units into each other, and much more!
То, что дает красоту, само по себе некрасиво: То, что в работе - претит, то, что сработано - нет. Овидий
-- Ты знаешь, дорогой, сегодня я накормила нищего и дала ему один доллар! -- Он съел суп? -- Да, всю тарелку. -- В таком случае он честно заработал доллар.
Несмотря на то, что уже несколько миллионов лет женщина живет рядом с человеком, в ее поведении и образе жизни остается еще много загадочного и непонятного.