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What The Bible Says About
What The Bible Says About... - Study tool. Unlike other Bible software, this program goes beyond specific Bible words to point out passages by themes and ideas - listed alphabetically with hundreds of choices.
Gospel Parallels
Gospel Parallels is a side by side New Testament Bible tool. All 4 gospels appear on your screen side by side for easy reading, scrolling, word search and studying. Includes a notepad, chronological index & instant parallel passage matching.
King James Dictionary
King James Dictionary - Is the 1611 King James Version of the Bible full of hard, difficult, archaic words? What does "anon", "concupiscence" and "wist" mean? This dictionary helps you learn the meaning of those words.
Все на день: и кто помнит, и кого. Марк Аврелий
У одного скряги испортился телевизор -- изображение есть, а звука нет. -- Жена,-- сказал он,-- соседи тоже смотрят телевизор. По- проси их усилить звук.
Отдам концы в хорошие руки