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» Development Tools
» SQL Tools
Annotate and document the SQL stored procedures driving your web application. SQLHelp describes the parameters, output result sets and transactional nature of each procedure. Output options include colorized SQL listings.
Apex SQL Log
Apex SQL Log is a powerful SQL database auditing tool that analyzes SQL Server's own Transaction Log to display information on data and structural changes.
Apex SQL Edit
Apex SQL Edit is a complete development, editing and deployment environment for SQL Server Developers. Apex SQL Edit provides Visual Source Safe Integration and powerful features not found on other SQL editors
Auto-Audit is a Audit Trail generation and reporting tool for Microsoft® SQL Server©. Auto-Audit generates server side triggers that track all Insert, Update and Delete statements. It also ships with powerful reporting utilities
Apex SQL Script
Apex SQL ScriptВ© creates insert scripts from any MicrosoftВ® SQL ServerВ© 7 or 2000 database that can be archived, emailed, checked into source control, run against another database etc.
Apex SQL Clean
Apex SQL Clean tool looks for and deletes unreferenced and unused Database objects like tables, views and procedures. If database object bloat is the problem, Apex SQL Apex SQL Clean is the solution.
Apex SQL Diff
Apex SQL Diff is a server based, high speed database comparison tool that will compare the differences in tables, procedures, views, users etc between two MicrosoftВ® SQL ServerВ© databases in seconds.
Apex SQL Audit
Apex SQL Audit proves a comprehensive, enterprise level active data auditing tool for MicrosoftВ® SQL ServerВ© 7 or 2000 Database auditing unmatched on the market today.
Одна боль всегда уменьшает другую. Наступите вы на хвост кошке, у которой болят зубы, и ей станет легче. А.П. Чехов
У одного глупца друзья попросили седло. Он ответил: "Право же, я только что с него слез. Может быть, подождете часок, чтобы оно хоть немного отдохнуло".
Телесные повреждения были причинены в ночь с 24 на 26 сентября 1995.