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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы


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Integrates Schedules, Notes, and Contacts in one versatile package. Multiple import/export, save and print capabilities make Synconizer a straightforward, fast and secure PIM. Synconizer can even synchronize and share data over the Internet and LAN.

SunRav OnScreen Calendar

SunRav OnScreen Calendar is a program that is always on your desktop showing the calendar for the selected months. Using this program, you will always be informed about all the holidays and occasions - both official and private.

Smart WorkTime Tracker

Fully automated and programmers-oriented tracking of time spent working on projects developed using the computer. To do list. Export to MS Access Database. HTML reports.

Screen Calendar

Create custom desktop with built in active calendar (small or large and even transparent) just over wallpaper, with the useful to-do list in the day cells. Change background with any period. Print the calendar or notes.

Sciral Consistency for Macintosh

Sciral Consistency fills an important niche between the calendar and the to-do list, enabling you to track and receive easy, color-coded feedback on how consistently you're performing important day-to-day tasks that are repeating yet flexible.

Auto Maintenance Pro

Tracks and organizes preventive maintenance for home vehicles and equip. Automatically calculates maintenance due, issues reports, and generates history. Provides an unlimited number of user-definable mtc items. Track mtc by month, mileage, or hours.

CyberMatrix In Out Scheduler

CyberMatrix In Out Scheduler is a multi-user attendance tracking application that visually indicates which employees are out of the office and at what time and date they will return.

Free Notes

Free Notes is a easy to use reminder for Windows. With Free Notes you can create notes displaying on your desktop. Your notes can be displayed immediately after creation or in the certain moments of time.


Only 15% of organizer/PIM users say that the software helped them become more efficient. 95% of ActionOutline users use the program daily, and two thirds estimate it saves them at least 5 hours a week. This tool IS NOT for everyone, but it works!

iMagic Tour Reservation

iMagic Tour Reservation - tour reservation software that is affordable and simple to use. iMagic Tour Reservation was developed for the needs of small to medium tour management.

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В разглашении тайны всегда повинен тот, кто доверил ее другому.
Ж. Лабрюйер


Несколько французов попали на необитаемый остров. С
ними спасся и попугай. Через месяц попугай заметил, что его то-
варищи по несчастью, поглядывая на него голодными глазами, раз-
ложили небольшой костер. Потом один из них, вооружившись но-
жом, стал звать попугая:
-- Коко, Коко! Поди сюда, маленький...
Попугай тяжело вздохнул и приблизился.
-- Хорошо,-- сказал он,-- я согласен, но только называйте
меня Жанной д'Арк...


Рожденный ползать летать не может, но порой заползает очень высоко

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