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» Graphic Apps
» Scheduling
An ActiveX Component created for the Visual Basic Market. Allows your users to quickly and easily change the time in your application, with the option of selecting by 15 minute intervals. Full demo with VB6 Source code is included.Give it a try!
GRCLive Business Edition
GRCLive Business Edition is a powerful and affordable communications tool with superior quality Video and Audio, Remote Desktop, File Share storage area, Whiteboard collaboration, Application Sharing, Remote Printing and Recording/Playback features.
Employee Task Scheduling for up to One Year with Excel
Assign 50 daily tasks to 20 people for one year with up to three tasks per person per day. Statistics summarize the number of times each person has been assigned to each task. Individual schedules, task schedules and calendars show task assignments.
024h Lucky Reminder
024h Lucky Reminder is award-winning reminder software for home and office. Stop missing important events in your life! Comprehensive scheduling, support of recurrent events (daily, weekly, monthly, custom), sounds, network synchronization, and more cool features!
Attache Taskbar Tooltip
Time zones, calendar, signs of the Zodiac, phases of the Moon in the tooltip that appears when you place the mouse cursor on the system tray icon. Display the current date and time for up to 12 time zones simultaneously.
Attache Transparent Clock
Transparent desktop clock with fully customizable appearance (digital or analog display, various colors, sizes and shapes), versatile alarms and reminders. Synchronizing time with atomic clock servers. Screensaver,time zones,tooltip,zodiac signs ...
Automatically Schedule Your Employees to 3 Shifts with Excel
Excel spreadsheet automatically assigns 25 qualified people to 3 shifts based on your needs and their qualifications/preferences, enforces rest times between shifts, automatically assigns days off and produces individual and group schedules.
Create Floor Schedules for Your Employees
Assigns up to 50 people on a random basis to up to 6 daily shifts for a one-month period. It is well suited for use in creating floor schedules for real estate offices or similar applications where an individual works only a few shifts each month.
7000 Years Calendar
Local time and date for any locations on Earth, 12 calendars, holidays and memorial days of many countries and religions, Sun, Moon, and Planets (coordinates and time of rise/transit/set), vernal/autumnal equinox/solstice, solar and lunar eclipses.
Повторное чтение уже прочитанных книг - самый надежный пробный камень образованности. К. Геббель
-- За что это он тебя? -- А кто его знает... -- Может, не узнал, принял за другого? -- Нет, он узнал меня. Подошел, схватил за руки и проши- пел: "Ах ты, подлец!"
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